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Gracie Magazine Issue 223 November 2015

Gracie Magazine Issue 223 November 2015


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Gracie Magazine, also known as GracieMag is probably the oldest and most known publication for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ).
RoninWear is an official Gracie Magazine associate member (GMA Associate).
English edition.
For the moment, we only have 10 units available every month, don't miss yours!.

Issue 223, November 2015, between other articles, you may find:

- GM #223: Tropical Thunder: Calasans, Cobrinha, Davi, Yuri, Rodolfo, Orlando, Mackenzie, Ana Laura confirm Jiu-Jitsu´s supremacy.

- Exclusive interview: Anthony Bourdain talks about the uos and downs of starting BJJ at 58 and how it quickly changed his lifestyle.

- Secrets unraveled: Learn the key points to Roger Gracies´s lethal choke from the mount.

- No Shortcuts: Marcio Feitosa teaches four passes to beat the most common guards styles in today´s Jiu-Jitsu.

- GMA Gracie Magazine Associates: All the latest updates on our members from all around the world.

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