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Gracie Magazine Issue 229 May 2016

Gracie Magazine Issue 229 May 2016


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Gracie Magazine, also known as GracieMag is probably the oldest and most known publication for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ).
RoninWear is an official Gracie Magazine associate member (GMA Associate).
English edition.
For the moment, we only have 10 units available every month, don't miss yours!.

Issue 229, May 2016, between other articles, you may find:

- GM #229: Power to the kids: How Jiu Jitsu helps children deal with life's challenges and what parents need to know before signing up their little ones for class.

- Get fit with Sophia Drysdale

- 2016 Panamerican Championships

- Meet the new Gracie in MMA; Undefeated in MMA, Neyman Gracie says he feels no pressure to continue the family legacy as he aims the top of the game and reveals that fighting MMA fulfills his childhood dream.

- Competition. Unparalleled: Bernardo Faria becomes the first male black belt to win three absolute gold medals in Pan history with another submit-all campaign that proves he is in the best moment of his career.

- GMA Gracie Magazine Associates: All the latest updates on our members from all around the world.

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