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Gracie Magazine Issue 199 Noviembre 2013

Gracie Magazine Issue 199 Noviembre 2013


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La revista Gracie Magazine, también conocida como GracieMag es la publicación mas antigua y conocida en el mundo en lo que se refiere al Jiu Jitsu Brasileño (BJJ).
RoninWear es Asociado Oficial de Gracie Magazine (GMA Associate).
Edición en inglés.
De momento solo tenemos 10 unidades disponibles cada mes, no la dejes escapar.

Numero 199, Noviembre 2013, en su interior podrás encontrar entre otros articulos y reportajes:

- Solve the misteries of the closed guard: Issue No. 198 of GRACIEMAG reveals the mysteries of the closed guard with the help of Otavio Sousa. The two-time world middleweight champion teaches the theories that guide the reader through the maze of possibilities in the position. Want to turn your legs into a source of trouble for all opponents attempting to pass? Issue No. 198 is an essential tool.

- Face to face: time for an awakening: UFC star Rousimar “Toquinho” Palhares reflects on his recent rough patch in the UFC and what he plans to do to avoid Octagon mistakes.

- Tips: One cellphone, 50 lessons: Using our handy smartphones, we sifted through Twitter and found valuable, effective tricks to improve your Jiu-Jitsu, as well as your day-to-day life.

- Debate: spectacle or result?: What we learned from Jiu-Jitsu black-belt Jose Aldo Jr.’s UFC 163 win in Rio de Janeiro.

- Training program: Don't fear what comes from above: UFC lightweight standout Rafael dos Anjos teaches 5 ways to thrive when fighting from the bottom. Don’t miss it.

- GMA: All the latest updates on our members from all around the world

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Francisco R.
Comprador verificado
02/05/2014 (ES)
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