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Gracie Magazine Issue 215 March 2015

Gracie Magazine Issue 215 March 2015


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Gracie Magazine, also known as GracieMag is probably the oldest and most known publication for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ).
RoninWear is an official Gracie Magazine associate member (GMA Associate).
English edition.
For the moment, we only have 10 units available every month, don't miss yours!.

Issue 215, March 2015, between other articles, you may find:

- GM #215: Terere smiles again: We paid a visit to a man who went through heaven and hell, lived to tell the story and has a lot to teach us about overcoming life's obstacles on and off the mats.

- Black Belt pilgrim: Mike Fowler walked 880 miles in Japan and shares the lessons of his mind-blowing experience.

- Why I roll? In a new feature, regular people reveal the reasons why they started training a nd the big changes Jiu-Jitsu made in their lives.

- Training for warriors: Martin Rooney teaches the importance of learning how to crawl before you train.

- Face to face: Enjoying the ride. Abraham Marte looks back into his journey in the gentle art and says thanks for places visited, experiences lived and friends made while planning to press forward and continue to inspire others.

- MMA, Passing the torch: With Rickson by his side, Kron Gracie uses Jiu-Jitsu to win his first MMA fight in Japan.

- GMA Gracie Magazine Associates: All the latest updates on our members from all around the world.

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